By Adrienne Toghraie, Trader’s Coach

In order to put your trading on the right track, the rest of your life must support that direction. Here is a success model for giving you a good foundation for becoming a profitable trader.  All aboard.

 Clean out the clutter

Start with the immediate environment of your trading area and work outwards from there.  When you have too much clutter, your focus will be disrupted from clear thinking.  So give it away, throw it away.

 Decide to listen to positive minded people

It is easy to fall into the trap of all of the negative media on the state of things.  While you are getting back on a positive track, stay away from those people who encourage negative thinking and therefore negative emotions.

 Take a walk or sit quietly where you will not be disturbed

A clear mind is a mind without stress.  When you start out on a new or improved path, you are more likely to get there when you have a clear mind.

 Ask the creative part of you to come up with ideas and actions that will take you towards your goal

We have many parts of ourselves that are both negative and positive.  When you focus on the positive side of yourself, you will discover within you actions that you can take to lead you in the right direction.

 Make a list of all of your resources

It is important to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments.  Every book you have read, every positive action, every teacher has given you the best of who you are.  List those resources as if someone were challenging your value in life.

 Collaborate with alliances

Positive people who care about you are your strongest resource. Keep in contact, share ideas, ask questions and ask for assistance.

 Create new alliances

Create a situation to give value to others who you seek out to know.  While you might not benefit directly from those people, just being in a prosperity mind set will attract goodness towards you in ways you did not imagine. 

 Allow others to do good things for you

By allowing others to do good for you, you give them the opportunity to draw good towards themselves.

Create an optimistic environment

Direct conversation to positive thinking with significant people in your life as well as all those you come in contact with.  Refuse to participate in negative conversation by redirecting conversation to positive, optimistic points of view.

 Write an action plan of simple tasks that you can do the next day

Along with your master plan, you should also have a daily plan that is drafted the day before.  This allows your mind to work on how to accomplish your actions in the most efficient and effective way.  It also allows you to motivate yourself as if you are playing a game that you want to win.

 Note the tasks that will inevitably present themselves

The momentum you get from completed tasks will lead you to other tasks.  Each new task will bring new resources and that creates the new and improved you.

 Keep your mindset on the goal

Every good book has a main theme, and all of the characters must have actions that go towards that theme.  And so it is true for anyone who wants to have a continuously growing and successful life. Know what you want and direct all of your actions towards that goal.


To be the best trader you can be requires that you become the best person you can be.  Look to improve all areas of your life and you will reap the rewards in your ability as a trader.