Q: I have bought your two books Super Trader and Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom. I think these two books are full of trading education value when it comes to trading psychology. I am a home-based Intra-day forex trader. Since I’m still learning to trade forex, I’m trading a mini-size account.

I am truly convinced of your 60% psychology, 30% money management and 10% trading system opinions to be successful in forex trading. I want to learn from you and foster this all-time-critical skill into my trading beliefs.

I am interested in purchasing your Peak Performance Home Study Course and your book, The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing, but I want to make sure there is no redundancy in the content. How much information overlaps between these two products?

A: There is very little cross over between the Peak Home Study Course and the Definitive Guide.

The Peak Home Study Course focuses on you, the trader and the psychology of trading.

The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing focuses on position sizing strategies and related topics.

We strongly encourage everyone to start with the Peak Home Study Course because it lays a solid psychological foundation for trading success. Without understanding yourself, the psychological aspects of trading can render technical expertise powerless. 

Truly, there is no better place to start the path toward trading success than with yourself!