Usually, I lean towards agreeing with what Ron Paul says outside when he wanted to legalize marijuana, as if alcohol wasn’t bad enough and this would simply legitimize drug cartels who could undercut everybody.  This is another time I can not agree with him at all.

We need money as a nation (debt/deficit) and our producers are struggling to compete against China’s cheap goods and manipulated cheap currency (less money, less businesses, less jobs).  Why would Ron Paul say buy the cheap goods further pushing us away from being a self-sustaining economy when if their is ever a time to be self-sustaining, it is now? If we stopped buying their goods, China would have to allow their currency to rise meaning our producers would have a better chance at being competitive and exporting more let alone selling more to our own people, keeping our money within our borders.  More money for us that way and more jobs for everyone.  Should we wait another 10 years as they further strengthen both their economy and military?  The longer we wait, the less reliant on us China will be so, if we don’t do something soon, our window of opportunity may close quickly, in my humble opinion.

At first, it would be painful on our citizen’s pocket books as we’d see inflation hit.  However, no matter the route we take, it will be painful.  This inflation would actually create business opportunities for our own entrepreneurs let alone we would still be able to import from other countries.  The more business opportunities we can present to our own people, the more businesses and jobs we create.  This only further strengthens our economy and puts us back on pace to being strong once again.  Instead, our current path is seeing the middle class become completely wiped out.  I see very little sense of urgency from our government on this issue as well.

Another concern is we are printing more money to try and devalue our currency to compete against China’s cheap currency.  The problem is if we wait years to do this and keep printing money in the meantime, we would not want China to let the Yuan appreciate.  If it appreciates after continued money printing on our end, it could crush the dollar meaning prices would inflate significantly.  This would put China in a position of dominance over us during diplomatic negotiations.  That is a scary thought, especially for the young generation that will have to endure this issue.

This is an area where I fully agree with Donald Trump over Ron Paul.  It appears to me that only Donald Trump seems to have the correct response to this important subject that is often overlooked.