All of a sudden, SILVER FALCON MINING INC (OTC:SFMI) started to climb. After the negative price changes, the stock gained 1SFMI_chart.png6.33% to close at $0.168 per share.

Over the last week, the traded volume of SFMI has exceeded 1 million shares, which is quite an unusual value for the stock. According to the records, SILVER FALCON has not been promoted recently, though, it’s been overbought.

As the company has not released any significant news over the last month, the current price jump cannot be explained. Maybe there’s something else behind the story?[BANNER]

The last announcement published by SFMI dates back to the end of July and reports the details on  the company’s shareholder meeting on September, 17. However, no more news on SILVER FALCON can be found.

Falcon_logo.pngIn 2009 the stock used to trade much lower, while in May this year SFMI jumped over $0.40 per share. After that, a downtrend occurred.

The financial report of SILVER FALCON announces its great plans for the future, and its lack of revenues. In the meantime, the company has accumulated net losses of over $9 million, along with a working capital deficit of over $2 million.

Based on these results, there is substantial doubt on the future of SILVER FALCON, as well as on the current up move of SFMI stock.