Last week I did a post entitled “Don’t count your money, until the trading is done” and it was based off of a popular Kenny Rogers song called, The Gambler from way way way back in the day. It’s probably one of my favorite songs of all-time and there is a lot of relevancy to it considering what kind of field I’ve made a profession of.oj-simpson-eyes

The more I thought about it since that initial post, the more i realized there is definitely a few more posts worth doing off of this song, and how it speaks truth to becoming a successful trader.

So then, for today, I want to highlight one of the earlier cadences in the song, that goes:

He said, “Son, I’ve made my life out of readin’ people’s faces,
And knowin’ what their cards were by the way they held their eyes.
So if you don’t mind my sayin’, I can see you’re out of aces.
For a taste of your whiskey I’ll give you some advice.”

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