By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul
Following the dramatic and viral news of famed trends researcher Gerald Celente’s confiscated MF Global future brokerage account, scaring legitimate commercial sellers and buyers like a Celente to withdraw from the fraudulent system, the crafty Canadian billionaire Eric Sprott positions himself to make a bold move to finally break the Comex grip on the silver market.
In his Nov. 25 interview with King World News, Sprott’s noticeable focus shifted to his PSLV closed end fund, from his usual discussion with King about the European fiasco and other selling points for owning bullion. Sign-up for my 100% FREE Alerts
After a brief moment discussing the tired, yet power ‘printing presses’ case, for owning bullion, the discussion turned to the real juice. His message to both physical buyers and sellers of silver: You can trust me to deliver.
Here’s how it works–
“If you had a total bust and people feared the banking system and started buying gold,” Sprott said, “. . . by that time currencies will almost be worthless . . .” And no one will take on counter-party risk at that point, either.