Purchased 3 DEC 75 Puts @ 1.78. Looking for the SPX to break 820.
Update: Sold 3 DEC 75 Puts @ 1.76 for a ~1.2% loss. I should’ve taken the fucking $60 profit. I still think the SPY is going to break 82. But I have fears the bulls will rally in anticipation of auto bailout news released this weekend (I’m guessing this weekend). My indecision maimed me again.
PS: Glad I sold them this morning before I left. Only brought my average option gain down to ~+18%. I would’ve been massively hurt considering the S&P went to 876 at the end of the day. On Monday, watch for resistance at 88 on the SPY. If it manages to break through that level we might get decent bear market rally. The weekly stochastics could definitely use a respite from their oversold positions.