Stocks are about unchanged ahead of data this morning.  At 7:30 we get PPI (expected + 0.8%, core +0.1%) and retail sales (+2.0%, +0.4 ex-autos).  They markets will likely key off the 7:30 data for direction today.  Stocks are keeping a firm tone after yesterday afternoon’s runup.  The Dollar is treading water, and metals are quiet.  Crude oil is higher ahead of tomorrow’s inventory reports.

Dec. S&P:  Momentum is still bullish; resistance is yesterday’s high of 1045.25; clearing that targets 1050.    First support is 1039.50.
Dec. Dow:  The lagard of the stock indices.  A close over the old swing high at 9576 would help the market.
Dec T Bonds:   It’s got a breakout setup today (NR4). They couldn’t hold Fibonacci retracement support at 19-16; 119 is the next support.  Momentum should be on a buy signal tomorrow,.
Dec. Japanese Yen:  It’s a momentum sell short day; the July high at 10895 is the next downside target.
Dec Euro Currency:  Momentum is bullish; it needs to take out Friday’s high at 14635 to extend the rally.
Dec British Pound:  The next downside target is 16427 (50% retracement of the Sept. rally).  Tomorrow should be a momentum buy day.
Dec. Canadain Dollar:  A quiet session, holding around unchanged.  Might be settingt up for a breakout trade tomorrow.
Dec. Gold:  Momentum is dropping to buy signal levels; watch support at 998.50.
Dec. Copper:  Momentum buy day; targeting 286.
March Sugar:  It has around 2385.  Watch trednline support at 2286.
Nov. Crude Oil:  A rally on a momentum buy day. Resistance is 7030; watch trendline support at 6863. The inventory reports are tonight and tomrrow.
Dec. Lean Hogs:  They held trendline support yesterday (that’s at 4857 today). It’s a momentum buy dayLook to buy; first rally objective is 5027.
Dec. Wheat:  It’s a momentum buy day; holding 450 support is key for a rally.  There’s trendline resistance at 465-4.
Dec. Corn:  Breakout setup; overngith it rallied over the first breakout point at 320.  There’s trendlien resistance at 324-4.

This is the morning update to my Swing Trader’s Insight advisory service. For information on STI, and to sign up for a free two week trial, visit here.

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