TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The Latest on two New Jersey radio hosts referring to the state’s attorney general as “turban man” on the air (all times local):

9:40 a.m.

Two New Jersey radio hosts have been kicked off the air after calling the nation’s first Sikh attorney general “turban man.”

Gurbir Grewal (gur-BEHR’ GRAY’-wahl) tweeted Thursday morning that it’s “not the first indignity I’ve faced and it probably won’t be the last.” He added: “It’s time to end small-minded intolerance.”

WKXW-FM hosts Dennis Malloy and Judi Franco made the comments Wednesday while discussing Grewal’s recent order to suspend marijuana prosecutions in the state. Malloy said he couldn’t remember Grewal’s name and he told Franco: “I’m just going to say the guy with the turban.”

The pair continued to call Grewal “Turban Man” throughout the segment.

The station, known as New Jersey 101.5, tweeted the pair have been taken off the air indefinitely.


7:15 a.m.

The nation’s first Sikh-American attorney general is responding after two New Jersey radio hosts repeatedly referred to him as “turban man.”

Gurbir Grewal (gur-BEHR’ GRAY’-wahl) tweeted on Thursday that he’s the 61st attorney general of New Jersey. He wrote: “I’m a Sikh American. I have 3 daughters. And yesterday, I told them to turn off the radio.”

WKXW-FM hosts Dennis Malloy and Judi Franco made the comments Wednesday while discussing Grewal’s recent order to suspend marijuana prosecutions in the state. Malloy and Franco acknowledged their words might be offensive, but Malloy said “if that offends you then don’t wear the turban and maybe I’ll remember your name.”

The station, known as New Jersey 101.5, said it has taken them off the air and is investigating. The station says it will have further comment shortly.