I know that this site is a little off topic of this blog, but I can tell you that this is a real insider’s ironic memoir of the credit crunch. The blog chronicles “The Spiral” and it’s thinly veiled references to fascism, in portrayal of the credit crisis as a historical. The blog is written by a gentleman working for Sub-Rosa Capital, LLC and you can find his resume, but you may have trouble finding his real name . . . Anyhow, I would say to anyone who works in a financial field, this is worth watching for black humor value.The most recent (possibly final??) installment in the series makes it quite clear who is being parodied. For those who don’t think that the first 8 episodes would be of interest, just watch this one. It is the finale (so far) so it could be a spoiler, but if you know the real life story, I don’t think that this detracts from the entertainment value of seeing all 9 . . .