The United States is going to report industrial numbers this morning, and the early sentiment is positive. The world is powered on strong industrial production, and with exchange traded funds (ETFs), you can get in and reap the benefits as they come.

What will the numbers bring? We can get some clues looking at other economies. For example, eurozone industrial production is at a two-year high, reports Ilona Billington for The Wall Street Journal. That fact could bode well for the U.S. economy’s own results. [Why Industrials are Getting Warmer.]

Many analysts are, in fact, anticipating a solid showing based on rising copper prices. Higher metals prices suggest a stronger demand for goods and services, reports Anna Stablum for BusinessWeek. Figures due today may show that industrial output in the U.S. climbed 0.7 % last month, an improvement over February’s 0.1% gain, according to a Bloomberg survey. [6 ETFs to Play Obama’s Jobs Bill.]

For more stories about industrials, visit our industrials category. These are just a few of the ETFs that may gain if the numbers come in as expected, as well as for the long haul as industrial production continues to soar.

  • First Trust ISE Global Copper Index (NYSEArca: CU)
  • iPath DJ UBS Copper TR Sub Index (NYSEArca: JJC)
  • Market Vectors Steel (NYSEArca: SLX)
  • Ultra Industrials ProShares (NYSEArca: UXI)
  • PowerShares S&P Small Cap Industrials (NYSEArca: XLIS)
  • ETFS Physical Platinum Shares (NYSEArca: PPLT)