Here’s how you voted in our U.S. Presidential Election poll yesterday:
Barack Obama and Joe Biden: 69%
John McCain and Sarah Palin: 24%
Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez: 3%
Robert Barr and Wayne Root: 2%
Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente: 1%
Charles Baldwin and Darrell Castle: 1%
And here are the actual results, as of 12 p.m. PST today:
Barack Obama and Joe Biden: 52%
John McCain and Sarah Palin: 46%
Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez: 1%
Robert Barr and Wayne Root: 1%
Charles Baldwin and Darrell Castle: 0%
Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente: 0%
It looks like while the percentage of WordPress votes varies from the actual election results, the rank of candidates is almost identical. The only exception is the bottom two tickets: You pushed McKinney ahead of Baldwin by the eensy margin of one vote, while Baldwin fared better than McKinney in the real election by about 30,000 votes. But I’m no statistician, so I’ll let you do your own analysis beyond that
Thanks for casting your votes with us yesterday, and props to those in the U.S. who wore their stickers with pride.
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Note: While comments on this post are open, they will be moderated carefully. Please keep your comments pertinent to the poll process and the relationship between WordPress community results and actual U.S. results. One-word comments and comments that only include statements about a particular candidate will not be approved.