Joshua Brown, writer of The Reformed Broker blog, has just updated his list of top finance blogs. He has also put together a very handy, and humorous, graphic of his rather unique categorization. Brown said the blogs included have “either inspired, educated or entertained me in some way, so I figured I’d return the favor”.

It is a great honor for Investment Postcards to be included in the company of some industry heavy weights. Merci beaucoup for the compliment Josh!

Click on the image below to enlarge the table.


The sites included in the table are listed below, together with links to the specific sites. (Please note that the numbering of the blogs does not represent a ranking system.)

Rocket Science (macroeconomics, monetary policy, real estate, regulation)

  1. BP The Big Picture
  2. EV Economists View
  3. IP Investment Postcards
  4. CR Calculated Risk
  5. BS Baseline Scenario
  6. CA Cafe Americain
  7. BC Bronte Capital
  8. AI Accrued Interest
  9. MS Global Econ Trend Analysis
  10. PF Psy-Fi Blog
  11. MU Musings of a Trader
  12. KD Market-Ticker
  13. NC Naked Capitalism
  14. PK Infectious Greed
  15. EB Econbrowser
  16. GM Greg Mankiw’s Blog
  17. AC Across The Curve
  18. MR Marginal Revolution
  19. WB World Beta
  20. CD Carpe Diem
  21. SP The Capital Spectator
  22. CX CXO Advisory
  23. DS
  24. WR Credit Writedowns
  25. L Alea Blog
  26. GR Grasping Reality
  27. BN Bearish News
  28. BR Broke and Broker
  29. GG Gregor Macdonald

Rogues Gallery (misfits, jokers, rebels & knaves)

  1. DB Dealbreaker
  2. LF LOLFed
  3. JR Jr Deputy Accountant
  4. WF Wall Street Fighter
  5. KO 1-2 Knockout
  6. LS Long or Short Capital
  7. MW Money Is The Way
  8. ED The Epicurean Dealmaker
  9. UB Ultimi Barbarorum
  10. ZH Zero Hedge
  11. FO
  12. AU re: The Auditors
  13. RB The Reformed Broker
  14. F The Fly
  15. FB Falkenblog
  16. CU BlogMaverick
  17. DY Kid Dynamite
  18. HL Howard Lindzon
  19. RO Rortybomb

The Establishment (mainstream media bloggers/ news sites)

  1. FL Floyd Norris
  2. FS Felix Salmon
  3. MB Market Beat
  4. PB Pony Blog
  5. MV Minyanville
  6. DP The Deal Professor
  7. TT Tech Trader Daily
  8. TS
  9. FT FT Alphaville
  10. DE DealBook
  11. JP James Pethokoukis
  12. HP Huffington Post Business
  13. CU Curious Capitalist
  14. EX Economix
  15. DJ Deal Journal
  16. TB Matt Taibbi
  17. FR Freakonomics
  18. PM Planet Money
  19. DL The Deal

Stock Operators (traders, technical analysis)

  1. FF Fund My Mutual Fund
  2. CC Charts and Coffee
  3. UP Upside Trader
  4. KR Kirk Report
  5. MT My 10,000 Dollars
  6. SH Slope of Hope
  7. BC iBankCoin
  8. ST StockTwits
  9. MI Trader Mike
  10. VX Vix and More
  11. DO Daily Options Report
  12. CM Cara Community
  13. MX Maoxian
  14. QE Quantifiable Edges
  15. AT Afraid To Trade
  16. AL AlphaTrends
  17. JE Jesse Felder
  18. CN Condor Options
  19. SW Andy Swan
  20. TV Tickerville
  21. LD Surfview Capital

Peanut Gallery (multiple voices and sources of commentary, aggregators)

  1. NV Investing Contrarian
  2. BI Business Insider
  3. AB Angry Bear
  4. DC Daily Crux
  5. TM The Money Blogs
  6. SC Money Science
  7. BM The Big Money
  8. TR Take a Report
  9. CS Wall St Cheat Sheet
  10. MM Money Morning
  11. WM Wealth Managers League
  12. GF Greenfaucet
  13. OA Wall Street Oasis
  14. NF Newsflashr
  15. PH Phil’s Stock World
  16. TF TraderFeed
  17. BS BloggingStocks
  18. SA Seeking Alpha
  19. TW 24/7 Wall Street
  20. DR Daily Reckoning

Baby Buffetts (value investors, stock picking, fundamental analysis, activism)

  1. AR Abnormal Returns
  2. A Aleph Blog
  3. BE Bespoke Investment Group
  4. CW Crossing Wall Street
  5. EJ Breakout Performance
  6. GX Gen X Finance
  7. GB Greenbackd
  8. IC Investing Caffeine
  9. DG Dividend Growth Investor
  10. DI A Dash of Insight
  11. JM Jeff Matthews
  12. MF Market Folly
  13. PC The Pragmatic Capitalist
  14. RR Random Roger
  15. VP Value Plays
  16. CE ContrarianEdge
  17. MG ModernGraham

MIA (bloggers who have left us this year … come back, guys!)

  1. DT Dinosaur Trader
  2. SE Brad Setser
  3. JO Stock Jockey

Source: The Reformed Broker, November 2, 2009.

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