Good Morning TraderPlanet Citizens,
We are off to the annual Futures and Options Industry Conference today where we will be meeting with a wide variety of potential contributors to the site, companies that are eager to serve the citizens of TraderPlanet, and to spread the word about this great new community.If you are going to be attending the show over the next few days, we hope to meet you there.
The show is a great chance for us to stay informed of everything going on in the industry– from the new trading contracts that the exchanges are working on, to the advancements that brokerage firms are making with their trading platforms, and what news, market commentary, and educational content other vendors are exploring to expand the products that they offer to traders around the world. We are always looking out for what the best and the brightest in the industry are doing so we can offer those resources to the members of TraderPlanet.
This show also affords us a great networking opportunity to educate potential partners in the industry about the best social networking site for traders that we are building, and how each one of them can play a role in helping to educate, inspire, and help improve the trading success of all of our members. We are eager to talk to everyone in the industry about the wide variety of ways in which firms serving traders can make the Planet a better place through their contributions of market commentary, educational articles, blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars, and other trading tools.
Thanks for stopping by to read our blog – we’ll do our best to keep you informed of the latest new developments on the site, and news about upcoming additions that we think you will be excited to see. We have a lot of new items in store for you that will be rolling out over the next few weeks, and we are always eager to hear your input and ideas on how we can continue to build the best trading community on the planet!
The TraderPlanet Team