Thanks for reading this blog. I do appreciate your coming here.

Not including this announcement, the post below this one is my last for a few days. I am actually taking Friday off and it will be my first day off in eight years. I gotta get a life! If anyone has a nice steady job for me, or wants to underwrite a radio show or website I am thinking about, let me know.

The daily grind of being the “short order cook” of technical analysis has me pounding out the columns, newsletters and articles all the time. I won’t bore you with the quantity but I have spent many a late night poolside at DisneyWorld with my laptop while the family sleeps off the day’s park hopping. I’ve even written my column from Jamaica (the island, mon) spending quality time indoors instead of on the beach.

Anyway, I am not kidding about looking for sponsors. But it will have to wait as I’m leaving for New Hampshire Thursday morning after Quick Takes Pro comes out. I am hiking the White Mountains and will not have a phone, computer or carrier pigeon. What a concept!
