Today’s tickers: TTWO, ORCL, URBN & GG

TTWO– The maker of the “Grand Theft Auto” series of video games surged more than 5.5% during the session to arrive at the current price of $10.75. The software developer reported a loss of 66 cents per share for the third-quarter, which was narrower than the 68 cent loss expected by some analysts. Options action in the December contract appears to be the work of an investor selling volatility by enacting a short straddle. It seems the trader put on the trade by shedding 5,000 calls at the December 10 strike price for a premium of 1.60, and then simultaneously selling 5,000 puts at the same strike, receiving a premium of 1.10 per contract. The gross premium enjoyed on the transaction amounts to 2.70. The trader will retain the full 2.70 premium if shares settle at $10.00 by expiration in December. Because the trader now holds short positions in both calls and puts, he is vulnerable to losses if shares surpass the upper breakeven point at $12.70 by expiration, or if shares slip beneath the lower breakeven price of $7.30. Option implied volatility plummeted from yesterday’s reading of 83% to the current value of 57% following third-quarter earnings for TTWO. – Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. –

ORCL– Investor demand for December contract put options caught our eye this morning amid a 1% decrease in shares of the software company to the current price of $21.79. Perhaps some traders have decided to take cautiously bearish stances on the stock after news reports revealed that the completion of Oracle’s acquisition of Sun Microsystems (JAVA) could be delayed by the European Commission (EC). The commission’s deadline to rule on the deal is this Thursday. However, the EC could launch an investigation that may take as many as four months, according to some reports. Plain-vanilla put buying was employed at the December 21 strike price where about 5,000 lots were picked up for an average premium of 1.30 apiece. Volume at the lower December 20 strike surpassed 19,000 contracts as traders appeared to have purchased 15,000 married put options for an average premium of 95 cents each. The purchase of shares of the underlying stock in conjunction with protective put options suggests that some investors expect the stock to appreciate by expiration in December. The puts provide downside protection on the long position in case shares decline 12.5% and…
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