The current economic environment may have affected even the most well-considered retirement plans. Wherever you are on the path to retirement, recent declines in equity and housing prices are likely to have raised concerns about whether or not you are still on track.
This webcast comprises a panel discussion featuring the views of Morgan Stanley and external strategists as they present their perspectives on the current economic outlook and discuss key retirement planning issues. The discussion is chaired by Charlie Rose and panelists include the following:
• Paul McCulley, Managing Director and Generalist Portfolio Manager at PIMCO, and member of PIMCO’s investment committee.
• Moshe Milevsky, Finance Professor at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto (Canada).
• David Darst, Chairman of Morgan Stanley’s Asset Allocation Committee and Chief Investment Strategist of Morgan Stanley Global Wealth Management.
• Barbara Reinhard, Deputy Chief Investment Strategist of Morgan Stanley Global Wealth Management.
• Jim McCarthy, Head of Retirement, Equity and Planning Solutions of Morgan Stanley Global Wealth Management.
Click on the image to view the full one-hour webcast, or view the featured topics lower down.
Where are we in the economic crisis, and when will it be over?
Hear insights on where we are in the crisis and when they anticipate the environment may improve.
Is the government on the right track? Does the country have confidence in the government?
Does the US have confidence that the decisions being made now – about housing and the stimulus plan, for example – are the right ones?
Are the economy and Wall Street never going to be the same?
Hear how the panelists believe the current crisis will impact investors in the long term.
What makes you optimistic and cautious over the next 5 years?
Is there reason to be optimistic? What are the opportunities that come with market recovery?
What realities about retirement do baby boomers have to face?
The baby-boomer generation, which is so close to retirement, will be the most impacted by this crisis. What choices will they have to make?
How should you think differently about retirement savings and diversification?
How can the 78 million baby boomers think differently about their ability to meet their personal and financial goals?
Source: Morgan Stanley, May 2009.