That’s right folks, there is nothing we turn down!
Last month we introduced you to our very special friends at The Predatory Lending Association and they have had a very busy month pushing through new legislation to makes sure that gravy train will never end. This month we are proud to anounce our newest sponsor, Polluter Harmony, the #1 matchmaking service for polluters, industry lobbyists, and politicians. Now it’s easier than ever to buy and sell influence in order to sabotage America’s clean energy future.
It takes strong relationships and the right chemistry to devise schemes that successfully evade or destroy environmental regulations. Sometimes, members of Congress, polluters, and lobbyists are so busy that they don’t have time to find those perfect relationships. Plus, now that the Supreme Court has removed restrictions on corporate electoral spending, it’s more important than ever to find the right match. Isn’t it worth it, to make sure your corporation’s or client’s money turns into a fruitful relationship?
Here’s one of many PHarmony testimonials, this one from Billionaire Charles Koch of Koch Industries:
After building relationships all over the country, I wasn’t sure I’d find someone out there for me. Though I was skeptical at first, I finally decided to try PolluterHarmony, hoping to meet my perfect partner.
When the PolluterHarmony compatibility test matched me up with a Democratic senator from Arkansas, I was sure the site was a scam. How could a Libertarian like me possibly relate to a Democrat? But then I read Blanche’s profile, I realized maybe I was wrong. She wrote that she loves discovering new places, especially for oil drilling. More importantly, she considers herself someone who likes taking risks, like with public health and safety. Best of all, she had one of the worst environmental voting records of any Democrat on Capitol Hill.
When we first met, I knew I’d found my match. Within a few weeks, I was funneling thousands of dollars into her campaign fund while she quietly worked to stall climate and clean energy policy. I’m really glad that I overcame my doubts and tried PolluterHarmony. Without it, a billionaire oil baron like me would have never met my Democratic match from Arkansas.
Isn’t that special? Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the new website was launched alongside an online advertising campaign. In coming weeks, organizers will also take to Capitol Hill to help promote PolluterHarmony’s compatibility formula, which matches polluters and politicians based on their love of dirty energy, …