I have been asked by various people that have seen the book title what “Winning the Trading Game” means. Some people get the erroneous belief that I it means to never lose. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Winning the trading game has nothing to do with trading it has to do with the mindset of the trader. Can you lose a trade and still be considered to be winning the trading game? Of course you can. It’s the same as losing the battle, but winning the war. As long as you can keep your mind that the goal of trading is to make a profit, many unnecessary mistakes fall by the wayside. You can willingly exit a bad trade, lose the battle, yet still produce significant returns for the week/month/year, e.g. winning the war.
In this blog I will constantly do my best to help you win the wars. I will give you ideas, software suggestions, books to read, seminars to attend, etc. in order to best help guide you to success in developing the necessary winning trader’s attitude. Please feel free to post your questions or ideas.