I have been reading and following several of your books lately and feel that your teachings are indeed very impactful and certainly worth studying in more detail. You have made me feel that trading for a living and make money from the market is really possible. But there is one question deep in my heart which keeps popping up whenever i keep digesting your teachings. If your work is so good, why do you keep writing books and giving workshops? Why don’t you just quit and make money in the markets.

Your assumption is that the only important thing in life is money and that if someone could make all the money in the world why would they do anything else. First, if that’s what’s really important to you, you’ll probably have trouble making money. Do the new Peak Performance Course to understand that.

People do things for many reasons other than to make money. Transformation is very important to me, it’s a top value, and helping others do that is paramount. People come to me for help in making money. If they follow my advice, they end up going through a life transformation and being much better, happier people. That’s what gives juice to my life. Money is not that important to me.
