2WHEN_chart.pngThe last time World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (PINK:WHEN) was promoted was back in September. The result was rather disappointing – bringing a new low for WHEN.

Now the price has recovered a bit, but there is a promotion which could affect trading today.

On Friday WHEN closed flat at $0.002 for a fifth session in a row. The volume was nearly 476 thousand shares; the OS is about 4.25 billion.[BANNER]

A promoter took up the task to pump the stock in exchange for $20 thousand. The compensation is smaller than the one from September, but as we already said that one didn’t work out well anyway.

The reason for the price recovery in December were a number of press releases suggesting WHEN may be trying to do something, which would be a welcomed change from the $0 revenues shareholders are used to.

However, there isn’t any definitive proof WHEN is actually going to get to a point when it can do something other than losing money.

WHEN_logo.jpgThere is still a chance the promotion can do something for WHEN, but it’s hardly an easy stock to push.