The market for ipo’s from China is reportedly drying up, not just because people are worried about tightening credit conditions, but because of who is coming. The latest filings are for Redgate Media Group, a Beijing ad agency, and China Intelligent Lighting, of Huizhou.
It turns out that I went to the wrong Israeli stock session earlier this week. The real meeting to have attended (although the press was not invited) was the dinner session at the home of Israel Corporation head Idan Ofer. It was attended by the chiefs of Bank Hapoalim of Israel, and Goldman Sachs (Lloyd Blankfein) plus the Premier of the Palestine Authority, Salam Fayyad, along with a bunch of Israeli and Palestinian company heads and entrepreneurs. They were trying to work out how to do more business together despite politics.
But I did get a few stock ideas at the meeting with Nasdaq-listed Israeli companies at Oppenheimer & Co.
To make room for the newbies, we sell two of our current Israeli positions because I do not want to overload our exposure to Israel. More for paid subscribers follows. It is long because it covers two days of news.
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