In trading, just as in life you don’t get what you want, but what you ARE. When you begin to fully integrate this profound piece of wisdom it will make an immense difference to your trading results and your life in general. It is one of the essential prerequisites of true trading mastery.

Let me explain what I am alluding to:

When I work with traders I always talk first about how we create our reality and bring our desires into manifestation. While a lot has been written about this subject it still never ceases to amaze me how little people really understand about this process. Yet understanding how you create your reality is fundamental knowledge for sustained trading success. This knowledge, once you own it fully will automatically shift your perceptions of yourself and, as we all know, shift of perception produces new results.

You are probably aware that the basic building block of the universe is light. Light is energy. There are plenty of scientific studies which attest to this reality. We are fast shifting away from the old idea of separation to the an understanding that everything is one and interconnected, since every thing is essentially made of the same stuff. The only difference is the level of consciousness.

Every thought you have has an energy vibration attached to it. Low vibrating thoughts carry little light, while high vibrating thoughts, positive thoughts carry a higher vibrating energy and more light. The word enlightenment alludes to nothing more than the amount of light you carry in your body. The amount of light you carry in your body reflects your ability to produce the results you desire in your life.

Light expels darkness. The brighter your light shines, the more darkness gets expelled. The process is not linear, but exponential. High vibration, which equals high levels of light increases your ability to influence your environment. When you have a high vibrating light body, you create the results you desire much faster. Your manifestation powers speed up.

Therefore when you work on creating a certain result, like improving your trading with steady, clear focus, free from negative programs and confident certainty the universe will reflect back to you that which you intend to have.

The above is nothing but basic quantum physics.

The universe has its own language. It understands and reacts to energetic vibration. If you wish to improve your trading and life’s circumstances in general you must learn to speak the language of the universe. This is where most of us get unstuck. Particularly in the world of trading, logos is rated as the most important tool, while emotions are regarded as the traders’ biggest enemy, when actually it is the other way round.

These incorrect assumptions have caused unnecessary hardship for traders, and many an unnecessary failure. You are not a bad trader, nobody is. But, you do not know how to direct universal energy to create the outcomes you desire.

It is fact, that by far the strongest energetic vibrations are created through emotions. I don’t have to prove this to you. A quick look around the world is clear testimony to the truth of this statement.

Just take a look at some charts and ponder major inflection points. At major tops and bottoms we can clearly observe the emotions of the collective creating volatile price action and powerful reversals.

Our emotions, which are nothing but energy in motion have the power to bring about the change we want to create. The language of the universe is emotion and feeling, rather than cold statements of intent and action. Traders have been told that through repetitive action they will become successful traders. I am not denying that action is required, however, the order has been skewed: In order to create lasting trading success you need to first BE that trading success, second FEEL and then THINK the thoughts of successful traders and only then act. I guarantee you, when you get into this grove your entire life will change.

If you just set the intention of wanting to be a good trader, this is rather like drinking lukewarm coffee

There as feeling what it feels like to be that consistently profitable trader and acting in every moment like the trader you desire to be carries a totally different energetic vibration. Our feelings provide the power that fuels our dreams, and brings them into form.

Trading mastery is first and foremost about creating the mental and physical conditions inside you that will allow trading success to manifest.

Here is a simple exercise: I encourage my clients to dream about their trading success. Feel what it feels like to have trading success. Imagine yourself in successful trades and notice how it feels when you finish the trading week. Do this in great detail. Mentally see your trading set ups. You should be able to close your eyes and within an instant a picture of your preferred set ups should appear.

The mind does not differentiate between an imagined feeling and reality. To the mind both are the same. All successful sportsmen train visualising their success on a regular basis. Getting into this habit, spending time each day visualising your success should be a part of your daily trading routine. Get into the habit of feeling the feelings of successful traders. Ask yourself: What inner talk and thoughts do successful traders have?

Always remember: It is about BEING first and foremost. Doing is the last part in manifesting lasting trading mastery and improving your trading skills.