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The increase in markets during March has created opportunities to get fully invested in the FOF portfolio (see chart below).  You should position your portfolio with 20% in each of the following ETFs:  

Vanguard REIT Index (VNQ)

PowerShares Listed Private Equity (PSP)

Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx (VWO)

Vanguard Small Cap Index (VB)

Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx (VTI)

All of these ETFs are priced above their 100-day moving average.  Small caps continue to outperform large caps through the first 3 months of 2010.  The hedge funds are having a better year as the private equity ETF (PSP) is looking good thru March.  In fact, PSP is the yearly leader in all FOF asset classes with a return of 8.67% so far.  The emerging market ETF (VWO) has moved back into the top five for April investments.  Aside from VWO, the majority of ETFs are investments in the U. S. which is a good place to be now as Europe is where the uncertainty is in the credit markets.  REITs are making a strong move as the commercial real estate problem is not as big as initially thought.


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