Errrr, bell’s about to ring. Drop to 7,500 on the Dow yesterday, lowest since 2002. Futures and foreign markets up this morning, some speculation there will be a rally. So I spent an hour on the phone (mostly on hold) with Comcast with no results, as my internet and phone were done. So I drove up to a coffee shop. Just called home and things are up now!

LESSON: Several of the seasoned traders that blog talk about a back up internet connection. This morning was frustrating (I’m just paper trading and I work from home), but if I had stocks on the line, stop orders that had to be made, or even opportunities I wanted to enter with real cash, this would be a disaster. Note to myself: secondary internet connection is a must if I’m going to be an active trader.

FYI, if I stick with this blog, and my trading progresses, I think I will have both LESSONS and TIPS. Lessons will be learnings born out of frustration or the school of hard knocks. Tips will be shared when I have a light bulb moment or come up with a good idea.