Sold any $1,000 gold futures? Or $110 crude oil? Or $15 soybeans? Or $13 what? Or $20 silver?

Me either. Seems like we ought to be with prices at these levels, but who can take the chance? You certainly can’t anticipate any “corrections.”

I know traders are supposed to like volatility, but I’m cooling it for a while as many markets seem to be a little out of control. About the time it looked like the stock indexes were about to reward the bears with an extended downtrend, the $200 billion Fed intervention interrupts the move. And the hedge funds (or some other sources?) are making it tough to trade markets with a string of extreme moves — oil, grains, soybeans, cotton, you name it.

So, in case you have been wondering about the lack of postings recently, I’m just being more cautious and reassessing things. No mystery about sittin’ and spittin’ for a while.