Many people are interested in what will happen tomorrow, because if you know what will happen tomorrow you can profit from that information. While difficult to predict what will happen in the time ahead (e.g. flying cars, anyone?) a general idea of the future can be generated. And, at the very least, reading other people’s predictions gives you insight into their preceptions and how successful businessmen think. Here are several lists of predictions for 2009:
– Many people have been waiting for the Fly’s ’09 predictions. The man runs a successful site, trades well, and is generally entertaining (first tier shit, baby). Check out his predictions here.
– CNBC has an entire section dedicated to ’09 predictions. With two [1, 2] optimistic articles and a single slightly pessimistic one, CNBC appears to have a bright slant. While a view into where a good portion of the United States will get their economic information, I would take anything at CNBC with suspicion, especially Jim Cramer.
– Corey Rosenbloom, at Afraid to Trade, posted on Buffett’s 2008 predictions, which include some all-around good advice. It is safe to say many anticipate Buffett’s 2009 predictions.
– There are the very pessimistic views of Celenate, given in the post below.
– John Cassidy at wrote a fairly bleak 2009 outlook, saying, “Most economists predict a recovery late next year. Don’t bet on it.” He also mentions several polls with this as the highlight: “…people working in the finance business are even gloomier: 77 percent of them say their industry is in a state of crisis, and 50 percent say the economy is the worst it has been in their careers.”
– Barron’s has an interesting article parsing the views of a handful of economists: Troubled Waters.
– And Seeking Alpha has a rather interesting, reasonable, outlook on 2009 here. There’s no prediction of sunny day’s ahead there.
Feel free to post other predictions below.
Good luck in 09.