With only a few trading days remaining, the curtain will soon be drawn on what has been a tumultuous year in every sense of the word.

The fallout of the credit crisis tested investors’ mettle unlike any other period I have experienced since buying my first stocks in 1968. But it was nevertheless a hugely fulfilling experience to be able to share my two cents’ worth of analysis on the events that defined the financial calendar with readers through the Investment Postcards site. Thank you for your friendship and for allowing me into your lives with regular posts, and for your support and encouragement to successfully build the blogging site.

Here’s wishing you a great festive season full of fun, laughter and joy. May you have a wonderful 2009, and may the Christmas wish below come true for all of us.


And now for a good laugh. In the spirit of the festive season, click here or on the image below to see what happens when an investment manager gets “elfed”.


Source: Elf Yourself

The last word goes to the omnipresent credit debacle. As if it has not dominated the investment world enough, it is now also playing havoc with Santa’s activities!


Source: Daryl Cagle

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