


A technical analysis term that refers to the difference in price from the midpoint of a trench to the midpoint of a peak of a security.

Analysis Paralysis

The indecisive state of mind for an individual that becomes overwhelmed by the process of evaluating various data metrics for a particular market.

Annual Percentage Yield(APY)

Total income that an investment earns annually. Typically represents the total earnings of cash accounts such as money market funds or savings accounts, and returns from bonds and stocks.

Annual Report

A corporation’s year-end financial statistics and operations summary filed annually with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The report details the company’s financial condition, liabilities and forward-thinking plans.

Annualized Returns

An investment’s return over a specific duration, represented somewhat as an average as it takes the cumulative return for the period and divides this evenly over each year for the period.


A financial product that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon pay out, a schedule of payments to the individual at a later time.

Appreciation Funds

Funds that invest in stocks where value is projected to increase substantially.


The simultaneous buying and selling of a financial instrument in different markets to profit from differing prices for the same asset.

Arithmetic Mean

The result of adding a sum of numbers then dividing by the number of elements in the group.


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